Privacy Policy
Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic
Privacy Policy
Privacy Commitment
Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic respects the privacy of its clients. We recognize the need for appropriate protection and management of your personal information. Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic has established this Privacy Policy to assist you to understand what information we collect, how we use that information, and how it is disclosed.
What is Personal Health Information?
“Personal information” (as used in this Privacy Policy) has the same meaning as set out in Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and means that any information connected to an identifiable individual including (but not limited to) contact information, name, address, phone number, email address, gender, date of birth and any data about oneself provided to Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic. The term “personal health information” is set out in Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (“PHIPA”), and includes information related to one’s physical or mental health, including health history, medical records, prescriptions, and one’s health number. In this Privacy Policy, the term personal information encompasses personal health information.
Any information you share with your therapist is confidential. The privacy of your information is of the utmost importance to us at Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic. We have implemented the necessary safeguards to protect your private and confidential information as governed by the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA).
Situations where your information may be shared without consent include but are not limited to:
1. Where your therapist believes you are at risk of serious bodily harm or suicide.
2. Where your therapist believes there is a risk of serious bodily harm or physical injury to another person.
3. Where your therapist suspects that a child under 18 may be at current risk for abuse or neglect.
4. Where your therapist believes that a regulated health professional has sexually abused or been sexually inappropriate with you.
5. Where your therapist believes that an elderly person living in a long term care facility is being abused.
6. Where disclosure is permitted or required by law.
As well, in order to provide you with the best treatment possible your information may be shared with a clinical consultant (psychiatrist) and/or other therapists providing services at the Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic. We work as a collegial team and sometimes more heads are better than one.
In addition, your therapist may discuss your progress with a clinical supervisor if they are still under supervision as part of their training.
Information Collected and Secured
Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic collects information for the purposes of providing professional and responsible service to its clients. Personal health information is collected through various means at Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic including verbally and through various forms, such as intake and assessment forms, client progress notes, and notes taken during sessions. This information makes up the client file which is securely stored in locked filing cabinets at the office of Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic and/or in secure computer storage systems.
Clients of Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic are encouraged not to share personal health information via email as the internet may not be fully secure. Clients choosing to share information via e-mail are reminded that their information may not be secure and are asked to use this mode of communication cautiously and infrequently. Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic staff make every effort to limit health, and other personal information, from being transmitted by email and/ or mobile text. As part of their consent, clients accept that there is some risk involved to sharing information via email or text messaging.
Third Party Information Sharing
Your personal health information will only be shared with a third party (e.g Family Doctor, employer, WSIB) at your request and only if you provide written consent and you specifically stipulate what parts of your clinical record may be shared.
Clients’ Right to Access Personal Information
Clients have the right to access and view their personal information/client file held at Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic. We reserve the right to ask for a written request and charge a nominal fee as warranted. Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic staff will help the client understand any information that is not clear to them. If the client believes there is an error in the information they have the right to ask for it to be corrected. If there is a disagreement about what is considered “correct”, the client may add a brief statement to the file so that both perspectives are maintained in the file.
Destruction of Client Files
Client files are securely maintained for a period of 10 years after the last counselling session (and for 10 years after the age of majority for a client 18 or under at the time of service.) At the time of destruction, files are shredded on site.
Feedback and Evaluation
All feedback that we receive is taken seriously and appreciated. Complaints or concerns can be addressed to Alanna Farr at Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic by calling 705-795-4248.
If clients are not satisfied with Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic’s response to their privacy concerns they may contact: The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Canada, who can be reached at:112 Kent Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1H3 (P) 1-800-282-1376 or (F) 613-947-6850
Information Shared Over the Internet and Mobile Phones I (enter your name)______________________________ consent to Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic staff communicating with my by email. I understand that Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic staff will make every effort to limit health information transmitted by email. By consenting, I accept the risk that information exchanged by email may not be secure. Further, if I choose to share detailed information about myself or my health record via email I accept any and all risks. Initial here______
I (enter your name)______________________________ consent to having sessions over the internet or mobile networks (for example, Zoom Health or by phone). In consenting, I accept the risk that these conversations may not be fully secure. I understand that Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic uses only platforms with safeguards in place to protect me. Initial here______
I (enter your name)______________________________have understood and agree with the terms and conditions of service provision by Trailhead Psychotherapy Clinic as outlined above.
Name______________________________________________ Signature________________________________________________ Date___________________________